Organisations and institutions
Organisations and institutions, big and small, local, regional, and global, can make an incredible impact on the lives of children.
Want to invest in children and young people’s well-being and skills development to give them a better chance in life now and in the future?
You can
Strengthen the voices of children and young people and reflect their priorities in your strategies, policies, and projects.
Provide children and young people with the opportunity to learn and develop important life skills and confidence that help them reach their full potential in life.
Ensure that your strategies, programs and services are fit for purpose, cost efficient, and reflect the best interest of the child.
Ensure that all engagement with children and young people is safe by developing safeguarding policies and building safeguarding capacity within your organisation.
Why do we need child- and youth-friendly governance?
Children and young people today face major challenges - and they should have a say in solving them.
Almost 46,000
Number of children who die of suicide annually
(Source: State of the World’s Children, UNICEF, 2021)
1 in 3
Proportion of children experiencing bullying and violence in school
(Source: UNESCO)
1 in 6
Proportion of children living in extreme poverty
(Source: World Bank and UNICEF)

We offer
Tailored strategy and policy advice, technical support, and project design.
Support on developing concepts or strategies for effective, meaningful, and safe consultations with children and young people.
Support on developing child safeguarding procedures and training adults working with children on how to keep children safe.
Training on child rights and establishing and facilitating children and young people’s participation in an inclusive, safe, and meaningful manner.
A team with a track record of successful policy, strategy, and program development at scale for children in different socio-economic and political contexts across the globe.
Extensive knowledge of good practices and learning from countries across the globe.